These are uncertain times and life can be unpredictable. Financial hardship can pound anyone in the blink of an eye. A company makes major layoffs, an illness rears its ugly head, or an accident occurs that changes the trajectory of life for the people involved. When hard times hit, the last thing you want is to lose your home. Thankfully, there is a way to stay in your home even if you can’t afford to own it.
Sell Your Home As-Is to a Home Buying Company
Home buying companies have created a win-win situation where people in financial straits are lifted from a heavy burden. These companies will purchase your home exactly as it is, even if you are behind on payments. This relieves you of your mortgage payments, keeps you out of foreclosure, and saves you from having to spend thousands of dollars on repairs with a conventional sale.
Earn Cash for Your Home
Once the mortgage is paid off on the proceeds of your sale, you will get to keep any remaining balance. Because home buying companies pay cash for the homes they purchase, you won’t even have to wait on funding. The cash you earn from your home sale will be especially valuable to you financially as you navigate this rough patch in your life.
Rent Your Home Back
Many home buying companies are happy to work with you so that you can stay in your home. One way they do this is by renting the house back to you. You can negotiate terms that work for you both. Best of all, because you sold your home to a direct buyer, you don’t have to pack up a single thing. You can sign the lease on the rental at the same time that you close on the house.
There truly is no place like home, and no one wants to be forced out of their personal haven. You may not be able to afford to own your home, but you may be able to still live there when you work with a home buying company such as Prime Buyers. Don’t let a financial reversal rob you of your home. There is a way out of every sticky situation.
Are you struggling to make your mortgage payments but desperately want to remain in your home? Reach out to Prime Buyers by clicking here to find out how we can help.