It can be a scary world out there, knowing that there are con artists and scammers just waiting to take advantage of you. Sometimes, it can be difficult to determine legitimate businesses who genuinely care about and want to serve you from scammers who just want a quick buck at your expense. Luckily, there are signs that can help you know. Here are three ways to know that a cash home buying company is legitimate.

You Make the First Contact

The first sign to watch for is one that pops up right away. When a business reaches out to you out of nowhere, it is far more likely to be a scam. When you reach out because of a need, it means that you have already done your initial research and you are in the driver’s seat. That is one way to trust that the company has your best interest at heart. Be wary of companies that contact you, especially if they demand money.

You Don’t Pay a Penny

When working with a legitimate cash home buyer, you will never be asked to wire or send money. In fact, all of the money involved should be flowing in your direction. Because scammers are out to get your money in a dishonest way, they generally require some form of payment up front. When you sell your home to a cash home buying company, you shouldn’t pay a penny. Additionally, you are in full control of either accepting or rejecting the offer. While the offer will account for needed repairs, remodels, and other expenses, you should be able to perform your own market research to confirm that the offer is fair. If it is ridiculously low-balled, or if you are required to send money, get out.

Close at a Title Company

Scammers are notorious for impersonal contacts and sketchy transactional details, whether that is asking for payment to be loaded onto a reloadable credit card, or whether they request to meet you in a private setting. Trustworthy home buying companies will be fully transparent and irreproachable in their transactions with you. Whenever you sell your home, you should close at a reputable title company. 

Here at Prime Buyers, we are happy to help you after you make that first initial contact. You won’t pay a penny, and if you choose to accept our offer, you will walk out of that reputable title company, pockets full of cash. Our integrity means everything to us, and we are happy to help you find the best solution possible. 

You can learn more about how the process works at Prime Buyers by clicking here. A quick read will set your mind at ease and assure you that we are a legitimate company within a legitimate industry that has been serving local communities for decades. 

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